Reducing pain and inflammation throughout the body

The best and most-effective physical therapy treatments begin with manual therapy. MK Physical Therapy & Wellness uses manual therapy techniques on soft tissue and joints that are intended to modulate pain, reduce inflammation, increase range of motion and reduce restriction.
Manual therapy varies through a wide range of areas. Different types of manual therapy treatments include, but are not limited to:
joint mobilization
soft tissue mobilization
high-velocity, low-amplitude thrusting techniques
muscle energy techniques
dry needling
visceral therapy
IASTM/Graston technique
This hands-on therapy procedure is intended to decrease edema, enhance health, remediate body functions and structures, as well as maintain physical performance.​
There is a correlation between the amount of hands-on manual therapy a patient needs and the amount of time the patient has had an injury or pain. The more acute or recent the problem, the quicker we tend to see positive results. Acute injuries can often be resolved in just a few visits; however, more serious or chronic injuries will most likely take longer to effectively treat.
Manual therapy is the cornerstone to a hands-on approach to effective physical therapy treatment. For most people, the sooner you decide to pursue manual therapy treatments, the fewer treatment sessions you will need.